Saturday, February 27, 2010

An Overlooked Meaning

The Chronicles of Narnia. Few people realize there is meaning behind the pages. C.S. Lewis incorporated Bible stories into the pages of his famous series of books, yet the modern world has overlooked this almost entirely. The first book,"The Magician's Nephew"contains within it the story of creation. Aslan (God) sings and creates the world. He makes the two children in Narnia (Adam and Eve) pick him an apple from the tree at the center of the orchard. When the children find the tree, an evil witch (satan) tempts them to eat the apple,saying it will give them eternal life. The children refuse and take the fruit to Aslan. The holy meaning behind these books has been masked by the way it has been presented to the generations of today.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Apollo Ohno

Apollo Ohno was just robbed of a medal. There was absolutely no reason to disqualify him. Great statement about the Canadian ref Apolo. America still loves you. By the way, they gave two Canadians medals.

Are the Olympic Judged Sports Frauds?

Does anyone else find it odd that the Canadians get a medal in almost every judged sport? The Americans have such good performances, yet the judges give them such low scores. It seems like the host nation almost always wins a medal. Bottom line.

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