Thursday, November 4, 2010

When's the Last Time This Happened?

When I saw the election results for Pennsylvania, I couldn't believe it was My state. In Recent years, PA has been very Democratic. In spite of this, Tom Corbett (governor) and Pat Toomey beat out Dan Onorato and Joe Sestak, respectively. Ed Rendell was re-elected in 2006, and now we have a Republican governor and senator. And the best news? We took control of the House of Reps! Who knows, maybe in '12 we'll take control of the senate AND the presidential office! And maybe in 2012 we will give the GOP 21 electoral votes from PA.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tuesday, Nov. 2

It's finally the day we get to vote those liberal bums out. Here in P.A., the most important races are Corbett vs Onorato, governor, and Toomey vs Sestak, senate.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Teachers Unions

This video was made by a guy who went to a NJ teachers union meeting. This is totally sickening. Click the link below.
                                                Teachers Unions Gone Wild.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Taliban getting paid to kill US troops

Five companies in Afghanistan are paying the Taliban every time they kill US troops. The Taliban gets a bonus per man they kill and also get guns, food, and other things they need to keep killing our troops who are just trying to make life better in a place that has not known peace since time began.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Discovery Channel Hostages

A man went into the Discovery Channel building earlier today and took hostages to protest the content shown on the channel. He was reported to have something strapped to him such as an explosive device. His demands were for the channel to stop encouraging people to have "parasitic human babies". He says Discovery needs to encourage not having babies. I'll try to post later about what happened.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Break the Pattern

There are two paths teenagers are expected to take. Number one leads nowhere. Teenagers are expected to wander around with their "friends" causing trouble and destroying things. They are suspected to smoke crack and take other illegal drugs. There are also two types of adults. One type tries to get them in trouble by catching them red-handed. They put it in peoples heads that all teens are evil-minded and do things behind their parents back. The other type simply doesn't care. The other path goes like this:

1. Go to school.
2. Spend worthless time dating until you find "Mr./Mrs. right."
3. Go to college.
4. Marry "Mr./Mrs.right"

The sad thing about this path is that teens fall into the trap and think they have to stay on pattern. Break the cycle! Don't let the world fool you into thinking that your nobody if you don't go through every educational process known to man. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with college. But as I said before, Break the Pattern! Be your own person. Don't only follow what everyone else considers the right direction. Do what you think is best!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Woodbridge NJ Brick

Today I found this on the tracks near my house. I have no clue what it is except that it is a brick and it has text on it reading"NO 1 WOODBRIDGE NJ". There is also some writing on it above the rest of the text. It was sticking into the hill on the right side of the tracks. What is it and how did it get from NJ to Allentown PA? If anyone knows please contact me at

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th

This July 4th,  America needs to stop thinking about their cell phones, video games, and computers and take a moment to remember the reason we celebrate it in the first place. Seriously, shut off the xbox for one day! I'm not saying I don't enjoy it, just please stop for a day. America needs to give a day to remember the soldiers who fought and died for us, and the ones who gave us so much of their time to defend us from those who would destroy us. Barry Sadler sung a song about the Green Berets, but it reaches out to all Americans. Click here to listen.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Google Spies and House Flies

Sorry I haven't been keeping up with the blog lately. Anyway, I was thinking about how easily google can take pictures with google earth. Did you know that they even make 3D images out of the pictures their satellites take? Think of what the government could do to spy on us ( you know, to find those home-grown terrorists and extremists that fly the "Don't Tread on Me" flags)if they took the time! I also heard that they are making spy cameras that look and move like house flies. I don't know about you, but I'll be swatting more flies than usual!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Joe Sestak- Democrat for Senate

Dan Onorato- Democrat for Governor

Darth Vader
Ha Ha

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

New Template

I love the In Draft template designer!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Who is Jake Towne?

Today the primaries take place. Jake Towne is one of the underdogs in the elections, but he won't give up in his fight to help PA. He is more popular than anyone expected. One of the big races in PA is Specter vs. Sestak. It's going to be a tight race. Many people favor Sestak because Specter changed parties in order to be re-elected. Another race is Onorato vs. Williams. The winner of this race will face the winner of Rohrer vs. Corbett, my personell favorite being Rohrer. Go Sam Rohrer!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sign of the Times

I hope the pheasants that roam around here stay. We have a great time spotting them.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

On May 5th, Cinco de Mayo day, 4 students at Live Oak High in Morgan Hill, California were sent home for wearing American flag t-shirts. A school administrator approached them and ordered them to turn their shirts inside-out because they might offend Mexican-American students. When they refused, they were sent to the Principal's office. When he told them to take the shirts off, they didn't wait around any longer-they went home. Obviously word got around, and the next day Mexican students exited the school, found some Mexican flags, and got police to escort as they marched around the school chanting "Si se puede"-We want respect. Apparently, we need to hide our patriotism. Do most people even know when Cinco de Mayo day is? And now we can't even wear our country's colors because we might start a "racial war".
 "It's disrespectful to do it on Cinco de Mayo. They can be a patriot on some other other day"- Jessica Cortez, Live Oak sophomore.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

You Decide

The birthplace of evolution
Darwin vs. God. How did the earth really begin? That last question has been one of the most talked about subjects since The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection was published by Charles Darwin. Natural selection is not a fake product of Darwin's mind. Natural selection really happens in nature when one type of a certain species is better suited to its environment then another type. Darwin got this idea by observing finches in the Galapagos Islands. However, there is no way this process could create new organisms! It's just illogical! This process would just make new organism breeds. On the other side of the argument, the creationists say God simply spoke the world into existence and created man separately from other creation. A pure matter of faith on both sides. On which side are you?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

America's Foundation

The writers of the Declaration

America was founded on a basic Biblical principal that the Americans of today have strayed from. The Founding Fathers incorporated the Bible into the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. Almost everyone in those days believed there was a God, even though some chose not to submit themselves to him. Up until the Civil War it remained that way. Then people started going downhill. After 1900 the Bible was not quite a foreign language, but close to it. Now, everyone thinks of the Bible as the "geek's"book. Hindus, Muslims, and Buddhists get more respect then us. Why? It's not like Islam is peace loving (ha ha). Everyone is afraid of them, therefore they get respect.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Warming Ad

Just to let everyone know, I by no means support Al Gore or global warming. That ad just won't go away. I recently did a post on warming. Google must be big global warming supporters. Please take the ad away.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Indians and Whites

The Vikings who first landed in America were led by Leaf Erickson, son of Eric the Red. They landed in the Massachusetts area and started a settlement there. Skralings, or war whoopers, attacked the vikings not long after. Recently, there has been some discussion about whether or not the Colonists were right in taking America as theirs in the Freedom to Speak blog. My view is that God wanted Christians to be in control of America, so he let them take control. The Indians were heathen worshipers who preformed pagan ceremonies. Indians often rode into settlements and massacred settlers. On the other hand, White settlers often did the same to their Indian neighbors. It's safe to say that both sides had their good and bad parties. Neither side was completely right in what they did to one another.

Friday, April 16, 2010

6 To 8 Phils

I cant believe how hard it is to get Phillies tickets. They sold over 3,000,000 tickets already, and its only two weeks into the season. I finally secured some though! Marlins 6 Phillies 8.

What is Global Warming And Why I Think Its Wrong!

Huh. Global warming is one of the most far out, stupid, and anti-christian subjects discussed today. We had one of the coldest winters and the heaviest snowfall ever in eastern PA. I don't see how that be global warming! God has proven it false many a time. Why, just a while ago, someone went to Antarctica to observe the glaciers melt. He froze to death. Ironic, huh?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Day's Demand

God give us men! A time like this demands
Strong minds, great hearts, true faith, and ready hands
Men whom the lust of office does not kill;
Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy;
Men who possess opinions and and a will;
Men who have honor,-men who will not lie;
Men who can stand before a demagogue,
And damn his treacherous flatteries without winking!

Tall men, sun-crowned , who live above the fog
In public duty, and in private thinking;
For while the rabble, with their thumb-worn creeds,
Their large professions and their little deeds,-
Mingle in selfish strife, lo! Freedom weeps,
Wrong rules the land, and waiting justice sleeps.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Americans of Today

American youths are becoming more and more dependent on their parents for everything in their daily lives. There was a time when a boy could survive with his knife and fishing pole for the whole summer.Adults didn't worry about the child's safety unless he wasn't seen all day. An example is Tom Sawyer. Though fiction, Samuel Clemens must have gotten the idea somewhere. Nowadays most boys (and men) can't even catch a fish (I'm happy to say I'm not one of them!). For ideas that sharpen your outdoor skills read The American Boys Handy Book.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Bill

Nothing disgusts me more than a video I found on you-tube of the House of Representatives after they passed the Healthcare bill. They erupted into cheers and chants of "YES WE CAN!". Why are they bent on destroying Americans?

Monday, March 22, 2010

Check out the blog. The Survivalist Blog . MD. has some topics and he's having a contest. All you need to do is mention his contest on your blog to enter.

The End

Well,it's over. The America we know. Barack Hussien Obama has ended it. Healthcare"Reform" is going to ruin the economy and the traditions of America. Two of the points in this bill are these. First,"children" up to 26 can stay on their parents plan. They do not need to pay for healthcare until the age of 26. This proves Americans are babies who need Mommy for everything. Second, taxpayers have to pay for the abortions of innocent, helpless humans. Yes, we have to pay for some immoral woman's "mistake". Let's end this USASSR. Vote carefully in November[if we still can!].

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Do They Have a Right?

Constitutionally, the goverment has no right to the information they ask for in the census. The original purpose for the census was to find out how many representatives were needed for each state. Now they feed us these lies about how the information is going to help education. Does it seem logical that knowing how much water we use will help them know how many teachers we need? The only info we are constitutionally required to give is the number of people in our house. The answer to this problem is simple. Don't put down the answers.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

George Washington: First in the Hearts of His Countrymen

George Washington was born on February 22,1732 in Westmoreland County. He was educated at home by his father and brother. While he was young, he worked as a surveyor, a job that proved very valuable later in his life because it helped him learn about the land in Virginia. During the French and Indian War, Washington was commissioned a Lieutenaut Colonel. Washington led a group of men against a French party of about thirty men. Unfortunatly, the patrol held Washington's men. General Braddock made Washington his aide during the Monongahela Expodition, which ended in failure for Britain. However, Washington established himself as a hero because he rode up and down the line of Battle. Because of this, he was given command of the Viginian forces. After the war, Washington returned home and married Martha Custis. When Britain passed the stamp act in 1765, Washington opposed it, but did not become a leading figure in the opposition until the Townshend Acts of 1767. Washington attended the Virginia Conventions and was selected as a delegate for the First Continental Congress. Congress created the Continental Army and appointed Washington commander. During the seige of Boston, He moved the army to the heights above the city, Dorchester Heights to be exact, and caused the British to evacuate the city. The Continental Army moved to New York. In August, Howe launched a campaign to take New York. Washington could not hold them and launched a massive retreat across the river. The army retreated to New Jersey. On Christmas night, 1775, Washington crossed the Deleware River and captured almost 1,000 Hessian soldiers. Washington was defeated at Brandywine, and this allowed the British to occupy Philadelphia. Washington's army stayed at Valley Forge during the winter. After the winter, Washington attacked at Monmouth and drove the British off the battlefield. Washington ended the war by dealing the final blow at Yorktown. Washington was unanimously elected president and took the first oath of office in 1789. Washington died after retirement in 1799 of pneumonia at Mount Vernon. History will remember him.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Maybe Obama Needs Healthcare Reform.

Did Barack Obama deserve the Nobel Peace Prize? No. Does our holy president smoke? You betcha. Our great role model of a president also sent a case of beer, yes B-E-E-R, to the Canadian Prime Minister. Shocking. What's really shocking is the news media acting like it's cute. He's our president for crying out loud, not some hobo riding the rails. If Bush had been caught smoking, he would be signing his letter of resignation. Obama is trying to "reform" healthcare, yet he engages in unhealthy practices. Should we really trust a hypocrite? Mr.Obama, grow up.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

An Overlooked Meaning

The Chronicles of Narnia. Few people realize there is meaning behind the pages. C.S. Lewis incorporated Bible stories into the pages of his famous series of books, yet the modern world has overlooked this almost entirely. The first book,"The Magician's Nephew"contains within it the story of creation. Aslan (God) sings and creates the world. He makes the two children in Narnia (Adam and Eve) pick him an apple from the tree at the center of the orchard. When the children find the tree, an evil witch (satan) tempts them to eat the apple,saying it will give them eternal life. The children refuse and take the fruit to Aslan. The holy meaning behind these books has been masked by the way it has been presented to the generations of today.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Apollo Ohno

Apollo Ohno was just robbed of a medal. There was absolutely no reason to disqualify him. Great statement about the Canadian ref Apolo. America still loves you. By the way, they gave two Canadians medals.

Are the Olympic Judged Sports Frauds?

Does anyone else find it odd that the Canadians get a medal in almost every judged sport? The Americans have such good performances, yet the judges give them such low scores. It seems like the host nation almost always wins a medal. Bottom line.

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