Monday, August 2, 2010

Break the Pattern

There are two paths teenagers are expected to take. Number one leads nowhere. Teenagers are expected to wander around with their "friends" causing trouble and destroying things. They are suspected to smoke crack and take other illegal drugs. There are also two types of adults. One type tries to get them in trouble by catching them red-handed. They put it in peoples heads that all teens are evil-minded and do things behind their parents back. The other type simply doesn't care. The other path goes like this:

1. Go to school.
2. Spend worthless time dating until you find "Mr./Mrs. right."
3. Go to college.
4. Marry "Mr./Mrs.right"

The sad thing about this path is that teens fall into the trap and think they have to stay on pattern. Break the cycle! Don't let the world fool you into thinking that your nobody if you don't go through every educational process known to man. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with college. But as I said before, Break the Pattern! Be your own person. Don't only follow what everyone else considers the right direction. Do what you think is best!


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